
Django-inviteme is a reusable app that relies on its own code and doesn’t require any other extra app.


Installing Django-inviteme is as simple as checking out the source and adding it to your project or PYTHONPATH.

Use git, pip or easy_install to check out Django-inviteme from Github or get a release from PyPI:

  1. Use git to clone the repository, and then install the package (read more about git):
  • git clone git://github.com/danirus/django-inviteme.git and
  • python setup.py install
  1. Or use pip (read more about pip):
  • Do pip install django-inviteme, or
  • Edit your project’s requirements file and append either the Github URL or the package name django-inviteme, and then do pip install -r requirements.
  1. Or use easy_install (read more about easy_install):
  • Do easy_install django-inviteme


  1. Add 'inviteme' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
  2. Add url(r'^invite/', include('inviteme.urls')) to your urls.py.
  3. Create a inviteme directory in your templates directory and copy the default templates from django-inviteme into the new created directory.
  4. Run python manage.py syncdb that creates the inviteme_contact_mail table.


  1. Optionally you can add some settings to control Django-contactme behaviour (see Settings), but they all have sane defaults.
  2. Customize the templates (see Templates) in your inviteme templates directory to make them fit in your design.


Workflow described in 3 actions:

  1. Get the Contact Form.
  1. Render the Contact Form page. Omit this at will by using the render-mail-form templatetag (see Templatetags) in your own templates.
  1. Post the Contact Form.
  1. Check if there are form security errors. Django_ContactMe forms are protected with timestamp, security_hash and honeypot field, following the same approach as the built-in Django Comments Framework. In case of form security errors send a 400 code response and stop.
  2. Check whether there are other form errors (basically check if the email field is empty). In such a case render the Mail Form again, with the form errors and stop.
  3. Send signal inviteme.signals.confirmation_will_be_requested. If any receiver returns False, send a discarded response to the user and stop.
  4. Send a confirmation email to the user with a confirmation URL.
  5. Send signal inviteme.signals.confirmation_requested.
  6. Render a “confirmation has been sent to you by email” template.
  1. Visit the Confirmation URL.
  1. Check whether the token in the confirmation URL is correct. If it isn’t raise a 404 code response and stop.
  2. Create a ContactMail model instance with the email address secured in the URL.
  3. Send signal confirmation_received. If any receiver return False, send a discarded response to the user and stop.
  4. Send an email to settings.INVITEME_NOTIFY_TO addresses indicating that a new invitation request has been received.
  5. Render a “your invitation request has been received, thank you” template.

Creating the secure token for the confirmation URL

The Confirmation URL sent by email to the user has a secured token with the contact form data. To create the token Django-ContactMe uses the module signed.py authored by Simon Willison and provided in Django-OpenID.

django_openid.signed offers two high level functions:

  • dumps: Returns URL-safe, sha1 signed base64 compressed pickle of a given object.
  • loads: Reverse of dumps(), raises ValueError if signature fails.

A brief example:

>>> signed.dumps("hello")

>>> signed.loads('UydoZWxsbycKcDAKLg.QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E')

>>> signed.loads('UydoZWxsbycKcDAKLg.QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E-modified')
BadSignature: Signature failed: QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E-modified

There are two components in dump’s output UydoZWxsbycKcDAKLg.QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E, separatad by a ‘.’. The first component is a URLsafe base64 encoded pickle of the object passed to dumps(). The second component is a base64 encoded hmac/SHA1 hash of “$first_component.$secret”.

Calling signed.loads(s) checks the signature BEFORE unpickling the object -this protects against malformed pickle attacks. If the signature fails, a ValueError subclass is raised (actually a BadSignature).

Signals and receivers

The workflow mentions that django-inviteme sends 3 signals:

  1. confirmation_will_be_requested: Sent just before a confirmation message is requested.
  2. confirmation_requested: Sent just after a confirmation message is requested.
  3. confirmation_received: Sent just after a confirmation has been received.

See Signals to know more.

You may want to extend django-inviteme by registering a receiver for any of this signals.

An example function receiver might check the datetime a user submitted a contact message and the datetime the confirmation URL has been clicked. If the difference between them is over 7 days the message could be discarded with a graceful “sorry, too old message” template.

Extending the demo site with the following code would do the job:

# append the code below to demo/views.py:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from inviteme import signals

def check_submit_date_is_within_last_7days(sender, data, request, **kwargs):
    plus7days = timedelta(days=7)
    if data["submit_date"] + plus7days < datetime.now():
        return False

# change get_instance_data in inviteme/forms.py to cheat a bit and
# make Django believe that the contact form was submitted 7 days ago:

def get_instance_data(self):
    Returns the dict of data to be used to create a contact message.
    from datetime import timedelta                                 # ADD THIS

    return dict(
        email       = self.cleaned_data["email"],
#        submit_date = datetime.datetime.now(),                    # COMMENT THIS
        submit_date = datetime.datetime.now() - timedelta(days=8), # ADD THIS

Try the demo site again and see that the inviteme/discarded.html template is rendered after clicking on the confirmation URL.

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