.. _ref-example: ============ Demo prpject ============ Django-inviteme comes with a demo project to see the app in action. Demo quick setup ================ 1. ``cd`` into the ``demo`` directory 2. ``python manage syncdb`` will create a simple SQLite db file for the demo. 3. Run the server ``python manage runserver`` and browse http://localhost:8000 Email settings ============== By default the demo project send email messages to the standard output. You can customize a few email settings to allow Django sending emails. This will allow you to receive email messages with confirmation URLs that actually work. Edit the ``demo/settings.py`` file, go to the end of the file and customize the following settings. Provide actual values of your email address and email provider:: EMAIL_HOST = "" # gmail: "smtp.gmail.com" EMAIL_PORT = "" # gmail: "587" EMAIL_HOST_USER = "" # gmail: user@gmail.com EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = "" EMAIL_USE_TLS = True # gmail DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "Your site name " SERVER_EMAIL = DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL # Fill in actual EMAIL settings above, and comment out the # following line to let the django demo sending actual emails # EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' INVITEME_NOTIFY_TO = "Your name " The domain used in the links sent by email refers to `example.com` and thus are not associated with your django development web server. Enter in the admin UI and change the domain name to something like `localhost:8000`. Register a signal receiver ========================== After trying the demo site you may like to add a receiver for any of the signals sent during the workflow. Read the :doc:`signals` to know more about Django-inviteme signals. Read the :ref:`signals-and-receivers-label` in the Tutorial to see an example.